The last time I wrote in my blog I was a 4th grade teacher, teaching elementary level for the second year after having taught middle school language arts for 6 years. Well, I'm working on reinventing myself once again, as a high school social studies teacher.
This choice was made for a couple of reasons: job security and location. For the past 2 years I've been traveling for 20-30 minutes to get to work in the morning. Now, I'll be almost 5 minutes away from home. Also, I worked in a district with several satellite elementary schools that have been considered for the chopping block for a few years now, but had been kept open each time. Well, it's a matter of time before these schools close, especially the one I was in last. 'Last one hired, the first one fired,' as they say.

I'm hoping that through this blog I can fine tune some of my lessons through reflection (getting some PD in, too), and probably get some helpful feedback.