This afternoon I went with my youngest to pick up our new class pets. A former colleague of mine gave me two Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. It's been a couple of years since I last handled any, so I was a little skittish and intimidated when I saw some of the bigger ones, and see them all huddled together.
We drove the nearly 35 minute drive to bring them to my new classroom, and their new home.
The roaches need plenty of hiding places so they feel safe. |
I put wheat germ on the bottom of the tank, the drift wood and half coconut shell came with the tank, and added the egg carton. They have a petri dish for water, and a piece of banana to eat. One of my kiddos also brought some fish food, because we read that they do eat that, and I plan to bring in some cat food, too, because apparently, they eat that too.
I took the girls (they're both female) out of the bucket they were in and this little one didn't take long to find a place to hide. Yes, she is the smaller one.
The older, and bigger, one did more exploring....
She really seems to like the driftwood....
I'm really looking forward to seeing my students' faces Tuesday morning!
*Note - last 3 photos were done with the Skitch app for the iPad.*
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