Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Not my babies!!

Tomorrow will be a first for me. I'm leaving my kiddos to a sub. Don't get me wrong, I've been a full-time substitute before and I know there are a lot of wonderful subs out there. It's not leaving my little gals and guys to a sub that's concerning me, but it's my first time this school year not being in the classroom with them....and I'm sad.

I guess part of me is also concerned because I want to make sure they have plenty of quality work to do that's meaningful. I don't want to leave them with busy work, so they're working on projects that they've already been working on and I have some stations (or centers if you will) for them to also work on if there's time left.

Another part of my fear is cutting the apron strings, if you will, and that their behavior will be a testament to how well I manage my classroom. I do have confidence that my little guys and gals will behave well, but still...there's always that fear lingering in the back of my mind that will probably rob some of my sleep tonight and distract me during my day tomorrow.

I'm definitely going to miss those smiles and chatty voices. The talkative little girls excited to tell me their latest news, and the shy boys with their baseball caps on their heads and their hands in their pockets. I've become so attached to them and will miss them tomorrow. Perhaps I'll "forget" something in my room and have to go back to get know, something that just can't wait for when they're gone to recess. That's okay, I'll get through the day and have them to myself on Friday.

I feel better now.

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