Saturday, June 8, 2013

Successful year and more changes....

So, I have survived my first year of teaching 3rd grade.  There were times that I wondered if I was where I was supposed to be, but my belief that there is a plan for me, I just need to say yes and follow, and that kept me going.  I can confidently say that I was a good teacher.  Not a fantastic teacher like I wanted to be, but a good one.  I did a lot of reflecting and learned more than I had ever expected to learn this year. I'm a much better person and teacher because of this year.

School will be finished with the kiddos on Tuesday, and I will be finished at that school as well.  My position got cut, again.....However, this time I am NOT at the bottom of the totem-pole this time, so I'm only getting relocated to another building in the district to teach 4th grade.  I'm really looking forward to the change.  I'm already 90% packed!  As soon as I get the okay from my new principal in the new school building I'll be moving to, my stuff is heading their way.

On a sad note, however, I'm really going to miss the friendships I've gained this year.  Some I will still see, because they tend to move around the district throughout the week, but there are a few that don't.  I'll miss our daily, morning chitchats.  I will also miss my kiddos.  I had a couple of kiddos who came a went, but I have 13 students as of right now, and they have all made a mark on my heart that will never go away.  Those 8 and 9-year-olds, even the ones who challenge me behavioral-wise throughout the year, have had a part in my own education and evolution from being a middle school language arts teacher to a 3rd grade teacher, and I'll be forever grateful for their patience with me and love for me.

The big kiddos  in the back are mine, the smaller ones in the front were part
of a Pre-K class that joined us for Fun Day.
I've also learned the value of supportive parents.  I've communicated with parents before, but it was usually because they weren't happy with their son or daughter's score or final grade.  Other than that, I hardly saw them or heard from them.  This past school year I have had the overwhelming support from my children's parents.  They've been open with me on their concerns, and have supported me with mine.  There was never a question as to whether the lines of communication were open or not.  They always new they could contact me if necessary.

My new building that I'll be working with has been praised highly by my colleagues.  I've also worked with my new principal in my old district.  He was my mentor teacher back when I started teaching middle school. In fact, because of what I've heard and who I'll be working with, I'm excited.  I'm really looking forward to using my new-found skills, abilities, and knowledge to be an even better teacher next year.  I have some new tools in my new toolbox I can use, and some old tricks up my sleeve that I wasn't able to use with 3rd grade.  It's a pretty exciting time!  It's as if this past year was a stepping stone, only meant to prepare me for next year and beyond.

To leave you with something to think about, I found this saying on Facebook today...thought it was important for me to remember when I feel overwhelmed.

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